Sunday, December 27, 2009


The past few days have been super busy and action packed! To top it off my baby turned 2 years old yesterday. It was great to spend time with family and close friends. Let's just say now that we own stock in toys r us! I definately have to go through the boys old toys and donate A LOT! Especially since the older one's birthday is coming up pretty quick at the end of January...

Next week is hubby birthday and then mine...EEEEEKKK! I will be turning the BIG 30!!! So I decided (with a lil help from my lil sister that I will now be referred to as 29 + just sounds better don't ya think??)

Hope you all had a great holiday and a wonderful new year!


  1. Don't you love the post Christmas toy purge?! I love it. I do a mini purge before christmas and one after. Shorty totally "gets" why it is good to give away old toys and it is fun to see how generous she is.

    I offer my condolences about your birthday. :O) Stay tuned to my blog for my lamentation of getting old (my b-day is coming up too). I can't stand it.

    Happy holidays!!

  2. Thank you I appreciate the fact that you share the same feelings towards birthdays as I do...I think once you hit 30 it is all down hill...phooey!

    Yeah I am tripping over toys left and rigft so there will be some major remoldeling of the toy

    Can't wait for your lamentation... :)

  3. wow I meant remodeling not remoldeling...nice I think it may be time for bed!
