Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just one of them days...

So yeah I may have gotten some great deals today...but other than that...today was not my day.  The baby was jumping on my lap and gouged my eyeball which is still throbbing, burning and watering.  Then when I ventured out to cut the grass Carmine decided to grab a measuring thing and crack his older brother in the face. (Yeah he left quite the welt, Tristan looks like he got botox...but only on one side...nice!) I asked Carmine to flip the light switch so I could blow the grass clippings and both boys raced inside and Tristan ended up slamming Carmine's finger in the door.  It now has a rather large blood blister on it.  Ohhh, let's not forget me adding too much oil to the lawn mower and the new neighbors across the street coming running over because of all the smoke.  Then I had to find a socket wrench and loosen the bolt to take some oil out (that I tried to sop up with paper towel...thank goodness I have quite a bit)....ahhhh yes welcome to my life....

On a happier note I FINALLY get to see my husband soon...it has been LONG overdue...seeing him once in the past year and a half SUCKS!  At least we will be spending quite a bit of time with him.  I am thankful and happy that he has a job...but NO I do NOT like it and frankly I am sick of it :*(


  1. It's ok Meagan... when you hit the botton the only way you can go is up... or just lay at the bottom for a while but even then eventually you have to get up...

    Enjoy your trip - you deserve it!
